path: root/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/type/file_line.rb
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1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/type/file_line.rb b/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/type/file_line.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14650fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/type/file_line.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Puppet::Type.newtype(:file_line) do
+ desc <<-DOC
+ Ensures that a given line is contained within a file. The implementation
+ matches the full line, including whitespace at the beginning and end. If
+ the line is not contained in the given file, Puppet will append the line to
+ the end of the file to ensure the desired state. Multiple resources may
+ be declared to manage multiple lines in the same file.
+ Example:
+ file_line { 'sudo_rule':
+ path => '/etc/sudoers',
+ line => '%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL',
+ }
+ file_line { 'sudo_rule_nopw':
+ path => '/etc/sudoers',
+ line => '%sudonopw ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL',
+ }
+ In this example, Puppet will ensure both of the specified lines are
+ contained in the file /etc/sudoers.
+ Match Example:
+ file_line { 'bashrc_proxy':
+ ensure => present,
+ path => '/etc/bashrc',
+ line => 'export HTTP_PROXY=http://squid.puppetlabs.vm:3128',
+ match => '^export\ HTTP_PROXY\=',
+ }
+ In this code example match will look for a line beginning with export
+ followed by HTTP_PROXY and replace it with the value in line.
+ Examples With `ensure => absent`:
+ This type has two behaviors when `ensure => absent` is set.
+ One possibility is to set `match => ...` and `match_for_absence => true`,
+ as in the following example:
+ file_line { 'bashrc_proxy':
+ ensure => absent,
+ path => '/etc/bashrc',
+ match => '^export\ HTTP_PROXY\=',
+ match_for_absence => true,
+ }
+ In this code example match will look for a line beginning with export
+ followed by HTTP_PROXY and delete it. If multiple lines match, an
+ error will be raised unless the `multiple => true` parameter is set.
+ Note that the `line => ...` parameter would be accepted BUT IGNORED in
+ the above example.
+ The second way of using `ensure => absent` is to specify a `line => ...`,
+ and no match:
+ file_line { 'bashrc_proxy':
+ ensure => absent,
+ path => '/etc/bashrc',
+ line => 'export HTTP_PROXY=http://squid.puppetlabs.vm:3128',
+ }
+ Note that when ensuring lines are absent this way, the default behavior
+ this time is to always remove all lines matching, and this behavior
+ can't be disabled.
+ Encoding example:
+ file_line { "XScreenSaver":
+ ensure => present,
+ path => '/root/XScreenSaver',
+ line => "*lock: 10:00:00",
+ match => '^*lock:',
+ encoding => "iso-8859-1",
+ }
+ Files with special characters that are not valid UTF-8 will give the
+ error message "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8". In this case, determine
+ the correct file encoding and specify the correct encoding using the
+ encoding attribute, the value of which needs to be a valid Ruby character
+ encoding.
+ **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the file that will contain the line
+ being managed, the file_line resource will autorequire that file.
+ ensurable do
+ defaultvalues
+ defaultto :present
+ end
+ newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do
+ desc 'An arbitrary name used as the identity of the resource.'
+ end
+ newparam(:match) do
+ desc 'An optional ruby regular expression to run against existing lines in the file.' \
+ ' If a match is found, we replace that line rather than adding a new line.' \
+ ' A regex comparison is performed against the line value and if it does not' \
+ ' match an exception will be raised.'
+ end
+ newparam(:match_for_absence) do
+ desc 'An optional value to determine if match should be applied when ensure => absent.' \
+ ' If set to true and match is set, the line that matches match will be deleted.' \
+ ' If set to false (the default), match is ignored when ensure => absent.' \
+ ' When `ensure => present`, match_for_absence is ignored.'
+ newvalues(true, false)
+ defaultto false
+ end
+ newparam(:multiple) do
+ desc 'An optional value to determine if match can change multiple lines.' \
+ ' If set to false, an exception will be raised if more than one line matches'
+ newvalues(true, false)
+ end
+ newparam(:after) do
+ desc 'An optional value used to specify the line after which we will add any new lines. (Existing lines are added in place)' \
+ ' This is also takes a regex.'
+ end
+ # The line property never changes; the type only ever performs a create() or
+ # destroy(). line is a property in order to allow it to correctly handle
+ # Sensitive type values. Because it is a property which will never change,
+ # it should never be considered out of sync.
+ newproperty(:line) do
+ desc 'The line to be appended to the file or used to replace matches found by the match attribute.'
+ def retrieve
+ @resource[:line]
+ end
+ end
+ newparam(:path) do
+ desc 'The file Puppet will ensure contains the line specified by the line parameter.'
+ validate do |value|
+ unless Puppet::Util.absolute_path?(value)
+ raise Puppet::Error, "File paths must be fully qualified, not '#{value}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newparam(:replace) do
+ desc 'If true, replace line that matches. If false, do not write line if a match is found'
+ newvalues(true, false)
+ defaultto true
+ end
+ newparam(:replace_all_matches_not_matching_line) do
+ desc 'Configures the behavior of replacing all lines in a file which match the `match` parameter regular expression, regardless of whether the specified line is already present in the file.'
+ newvalues(true, false)
+ defaultto false
+ end
+ newparam(:encoding) do
+ desc 'For files that are not UTF-8 encoded, specify encoding such as iso-8859-1'
+ defaultto 'UTF-8'
+ end
+ newparam(:append_on_no_match) do
+ desc 'If true, append line if match is not found. If false, do not append line if a match is not found'
+ newvalues(true, false)
+ defaultto true
+ end
+ # Autorequire the file resource if it's being managed
+ autorequire(:file) do
+ self[:path]
+ end
+ validate do
+ if self[:replace_all_matches_not_matching_line].to_s == 'true' && self[:multiple].to_s == 'false'
+ raise(Puppet::Error, 'multiple must be true when replace_all_matches_not_matching_line is true')
+ end
+ if self[:replace_all_matches_not_matching_line].to_s == 'true' && self[:replace].to_s == 'false'
+ raise(Puppet::Error, 'replace must be true when replace_all_matches_not_matching_line is true')
+ end
+ unless self[:line]
+ unless (self[:ensure].to_s == 'absent') && (self[:match_for_absence].to_s == 'true') && self[:match]
+ raise(Puppet::Error, 'line is a required attribute')
+ end
+ end
+ unless self[:path]
+ raise(Puppet::Error, 'path is a required attribute')
+ end
+ end