path: root/code/environments/production/modules/apt/lib/puppet/provider/apt_key/apt_key.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'code/environments/production/modules/apt/lib/puppet/provider/apt_key/apt_key.rb')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/environments/production/modules/apt/lib/puppet/provider/apt_key/apt_key.rb b/code/environments/production/modules/apt/lib/puppet/provider/apt_key/apt_key.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc0d206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/environments/production/modules/apt/lib/puppet/provider/apt_key/apt_key.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'net/ftp'
+require 'tempfile'
+if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.7'
+ # Mothers cry, puppies die and Ruby 1.8.7's open-uri needs to be
+ # monkeypatched to support passing in :ftp_passive_mode.
+ require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..',
+ 'puppet_x', 'apt_key', 'patch_openuri.rb'))
+ OpenURI::Options[:ftp_active_mode] = false
+Puppet::Type.type(:apt_key).provide(:apt_key) do
+ confine osfamily: :debian
+ defaultfor osfamily: :debian
+ commands apt_key: 'apt-key'
+ commands gpg: '/usr/bin/gpg'
+ def self.instances
+ cli_args = ['adv', '--list-keys', '--with-colons', '--fingerprint', '--fixed-list-mode']
+ key_output = apt_key(cli_args).encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '')
+ pub_line, sub_line, fpr_line = nil
+ key_array = key_output.split("\n").map do |line|
+ if line.start_with?('pub')
+ pub_line = line
+ # reset fpr_line, to skip any previous subkeys which were collected
+ fpr_line = nil
+ sub_line = nil
+ elsif line.start_with?('sub')
+ sub_line = line
+ elsif line.start_with?('fpr')
+ fpr_line = line
+ end
+ if sub_line && fpr_line
+ sub_line, fpr_line = nil
+ next
+ end
+ next unless pub_line && fpr_line
+ line_hash = key_line_hash(pub_line, fpr_line)
+ # reset everything
+ pub_line, fpr_line = nil
+ expired = false
+ if line_hash[:key_expiry]
+ expired = >= line_hash[:key_expiry]
+ end
+ new(
+ name: line_hash[:key_fingerprint],
+ id: line_hash[:key_long],
+ fingerprint: line_hash[:key_fingerprint],
+ short: line_hash[:key_short],
+ long: line_hash[:key_long],
+ ensure: :present,
+ expired: expired,
+ expiry: line_hash[:key_expiry].nil? ? nil : line_hash[:key_expiry].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
+ size: line_hash[:key_size],
+ type: line_hash[:key_type],
+ created: line_hash[:key_created].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
+ )
+ end
+ key_array.compact!
+ end
+ def self.prefetch(resources)
+ apt_keys = instances
+ resources.each_key do |name|
+ if name.length == 40
+ provider = apt_keys.find { |key| key.fingerprint == name }
+ resources[name].provider = provider if provider
+ elsif name.length == 16
+ provider = apt_keys.find { |key| key.long == name }
+ resources[name].provider = provider if provider
+ elsif name.length == 8
+ provider = apt_keys.find { |key| key.short == name }
+ resources[name].provider = provider if provider
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.key_line_hash(pub_line, fpr_line)
+ pub_split = pub_line.split(':')
+ fpr_split = fpr_line.split(':')
+ fingerprint = fpr_split.last
+ return_hash = {
+ key_fingerprint: fingerprint,
+ key_long: fingerprint[-16..-1], # last 16 characters of fingerprint
+ key_short: fingerprint[-8..-1], # last 8 characters of fingerprint
+ key_size: pub_split[2],
+ key_type: nil,
+ key_created:[5].to_i),
+ key_expiry: pub_split[6].empty? ? nil :[6].to_i),
+ }
+ # set key type based on types defined in /usr/share/doc/gnupg/DETAILS.gz
+ case pub_split[3]
+ when '1'
+ return_hash[:key_type] = :rsa
+ when '17'
+ return_hash[:key_type] = :dsa
+ when '18'
+ return_hash[:key_type] = :ecc
+ when '19'
+ return_hash[:key_type] = :ecdsa
+ end
+ return_hash
+ end
+ def source_to_file(value)
+ parsed_value = URI.parse(value)
+ if parsed_value.scheme.nil?
+ raise("The file #{value} does not exist") unless File.exist?(value)
+ # Because the tempfile method has to return a live object to prevent GC
+ # of the underlying file from occuring too early, we also have to return
+ # a file object here. The caller can still call the #path method on the
+ # closed file handle to get the path.
+ f =, 'r')
+ f.close
+ f
+ else
+ begin
+ # Only send basic auth if URL contains userinfo
+ # Some webservers (e.g. Amazon S3) return code 400 if empty basic auth is sent
+ if parsed_value.userinfo.nil?
+ key =
+ else
+ user_pass = parsed_value.userinfo.split(':')
+ parsed_value.userinfo = ''
+ key = open(parsed_value, http_basic_authentication: user_pass).read
+ end
+ rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Net::FTPPermError => e
+ raise("#{e.message} for #{resource[:source]}")
+ rescue SocketError
+ raise("could not resolve #{resource[:source]}")
+ else
+ tempfile(key)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # The tempfile method needs to return the tempfile object to the caller, so
+ # that it doesn't get deleted by the GC immediately after it returns. We
+ # want the caller to control when it goes out of scope.
+ def tempfile(content)
+ file ='apt_key')
+ file.write content
+ file.close
+ # confirm that the fingerprint from the file, matches the long key that is in the manifest
+ if name.size == 40
+ if File.executable? command(:gpg)
+ extracted_key = execute(["#{command(:gpg)} --with-fingerprint --with-colons #{file.path} | awk -F: '/^fpr:/ { print $10 }'"], failonfail: false)
+ extracted_key = extracted_key.chomp
+ found_match = false
+ extracted_key.each_line do |line|
+ if line.chomp == name
+ found_match = true
+ end
+ end
+ unless found_match
+ raise("The id in your manifest #{resource[:name]} and the fingerprint from content/source don't match. Check for an error in the id and content/source is legitimate.")
+ end
+ else
+ warning('/usr/bin/gpg cannot be found for verification of the id.')
+ end
+ end
+ file
+ end
+ def exists?
+ @property_hash[:ensure] == :present
+ end
+ def create
+ command = []
+ if resource[:source].nil? && resource[:content].nil?
+ # Breaking up the command like this is needed because it blows up
+ # if --recv-keys isn't the last argument.
+ command.push('adv', '--keyserver', resource[:server])
+ unless resource[:options].nil?
+ command.push('--keyserver-options', resource[:options])
+ end
+ command.push('--recv-keys', resource[:id])
+ elsif resource[:content]
+ key_file = tempfile(resource[:content])
+ command.push('add', key_file.path)
+ elsif resource[:source]
+ key_file = source_to_file(resource[:source])
+ command.push('add', key_file.path)
+ # In case we really screwed up, better safe than sorry.
+ else
+ raise("an unexpected condition occurred while trying to add the key: #{resource[:id]}")
+ end
+ apt_key(command)
+ @property_hash[:ensure] = :present
+ end
+ def destroy
+ loop do
+ apt_key('del', resource.provider.short)
+ r = execute(["#{command(:apt_key)} list | grep '/#{resource.provider.short}\s'"], failonfail: false)
+ break unless
+ end
+ @property_hash.clear
+ end
+ def read_only(_value)
+ raise('This is a read-only property.')
+ end
+ mk_resource_methods
+ # Needed until PUP-1470 is fixed and we can drop support for Puppet versions
+ # before that.
+ def expired
+ @property_hash[:expired]
+ end
+ # Alias the setters of read-only properties
+ # to the read_only function.
+ alias_method :created=, :read_only
+ alias_method :expired=, :read_only
+ alias_method :expiry=, :read_only
+ alias_method :size=, :read_only
+ alias_method :type=, :read_only